Choose the perfect name for your biz

“Should I use my name or create a separate business name?” I get asked this question all.the.time. so I made a training JUST to talk about the different types of business names (+ pros and cons for each), using your name vs. a biz name, how to actually make the freaking decision once and for all.

In this mini-training + workbook will give you everything you need to:

  • know which types of names will be good for your type of business (and which ones suck)
  • all the different types of names available because knowledge is power, y’all – it’ll be brainstorm city
  • get all your best ideas out of your head and onto paper so you can refine and finally make a dang decision
  • test the validate + test your new biz name to make sure it works for allllll the parts of your biz
  • I’ll even share a story about my own brand name debacle and what I learned from it! (hint: it has to do with PORN)

Choose the perfect name for your biz

“Should I use my name or create a separate business name?” I get asked this question all.the.time. so I made a training JUST to talk about the different types of business names (+ pros and cons for each), using your name vs. a biz name, how to actually make the freaking decision once and for all.

In this mini-training + workbook will give you everything you need to:

  • know which types of names will be good for your type of business (and which ones suck)
  • all the different types of names available because knowledge is power, y’all – it’ll be brainstorm city
  • get all your best ideas out of your head and onto paper so you can refine and finally make a dang decision
  • test the validate + test your new biz name to make sure it works for allllll the parts of your biz
  • I’ll even share a story about my own brand name debacle and what I learned from it! (hint: it has to do with PORN)