What if your site’s about page could help you book clients?!

Get the non-overwhelm-y about page template for just $27!

I know what you’re thinking…

writing your about page has been a total b*tch, amiright?

You’ve already resigned yourself to the fact that it’s just “supposed” to be hard and there’s no possible way you’re going to feel confident talking about yourself… like, ever.

Allow me to blow your mind. 

Here’s why you haven’t finished your about page (yet)
Image Source: giphy

Reason number 1

You’re trying to “make it about them”

I get it. That’s what most internet coaches teach you to do, yeah? They spout that “it’s not about you, make it about them” crap. I’m calling BS. Statistically speaking, your about page is the #2 most visited page on your site and viewers are there to GET TO KNOW YOU. Give ’em what they want.

Source: giphy

Reason number 2

You have no freaking clue what to say

Should you tell your whole life story? What if you feel like your life story is mega-boring?! Should you include those cute little “fun facts” to try to spice it up? What about all the certifications and stuff you have? Is it supposed to be written in 3rd person like a bio? WHAT DO YOU DO?!?!

Source: giphy
Image Source: giphy

Reason number 2

You have no freaking clue what to say

Should you tell your whole life story? What if you feel like your life story is mega-boring?! Should you include those cute little “fun facts” to try to spice it up? What about all the certifications and stuff you have? Is it supposed to be written in 3rd person like a bio? WHAT DO YOU DO?!?!

Image Source: giphy

Reason number 3

You’re making it about what you DO

You’re crazy passionate about your biz. I know. Me too. You can talk about it all day long and that’s awesome, but SAVE IT FOR A BLOG POST, girlfriend. Your about page is not about what you DO for your clients, it’s about WHO YOU ARE to your clients. They need to connect with you as a HUMAN first.

Source: giphy

But not anymore, baby.


Lemme’ go slap my underwear outside my pants real quick and save the day


A printable workbook, editable template, and video training
all for $27. What?!?

#allthethings you need

More of a visual person? I got you too, boo. You’ll also get a neat collection of some of my fav about pages so you can see what it looks like in action.


Here’s what you can expect to “get” from this:

No more “I have no idea what I want to say”

Fill-out-able workbook with genius prompts to help you gain massive clarity around your deeper message, your unique superpower, your “elevator pitch”, and so much more.

See real life examples of what works

See some of my favorite client websites that focus on powerful messaging and CONVERTING viewers into paying clients (one client got 3 brand new clients within 2 days!!!)

Finally feel excited to share your story

No more hiding. No more excuses like “I’ll start showing up online when I blah blah.” NOW is the time. Once you get clear on what you wanna’ say and how to say it, you’ll feel crazy confident to SHARE it!

Massively grow your “know, like, trust” factor

A super simple checklist and a step-by-step editable outline for exactly how to structure your about page to make sure your viewers connect with your message in a powerful way.

And we ain’t even done yet!


You also get access to these 3 bonus trainings so you have no excuses to finally get it done

bonus #1


I hear ya, writing the words on your about page has been like, literally harder than saying no to that second helping of fettuccine alfredo, amiright?! 

In this training, you get:

  • 32 minute video training all about how to write powerful and persuasive copy that sounds like YOU
  • Fill-out-able copywriting workbook with prompts and questions to help pull out your unique voice
  • The step-by-step process I use for every piece of copy I write
  • A handy-dandy printable checklist you can use to make sure everything you write has enough of YOU!

How to write REALLY GOOD copy (even if you think you suck at writing)

Using stock photos strategically (without looking like a newb)

bonus #2


We’ve all seen the basic stock photos that come with most website templates and they LITERALLY SCREAM “Hey! I have no idea what I’m doing!” so let me show you how to use them strategically if you don’t have your own pics yet.

In this 36 minute video training, you’ll learn:

  • Exactly where and how to use stock photos on your about page so it looks professional AND showcases your personality
  • A resource list of my favorite sites to find high-quality stock photos that feel “on-brand” for you
  • How to actually USE the stock photo sites to find what you need
  • BONUS details about what to do when you ARE ready to hire a fancy-pants photographer for branded images

bonus #2


We’ve all seen the basic stock photos that come with most website templates and they LITERALLY SCREAM “Hey! I have no idea what I’m doing!” so let me show you how to use them strategically if you don’t have your own pics yet.

In this 36 minute video training, you’ll learn:

  • Exactly where and how to use stock photos on your about page so it looks professional AND showcases your personality
  • A resource list of my favorite sites to find high-quality stock photos that feel “on-brand” for you
  • How to actually USE the stock photo sites to find what you need
  • BONUS details about what to do when you ARE ready to hire a fancy-pants photographer for branded images

Using stock photos strategically (without looking like a newb)

bonus #3

“How do i get people to click the buttons and book calls on my website?!”

You can have the best copy in the world, but if no one reads it or clicks any of the buttons or takes any action… womp womp womp. It’s a giant waste of time and money. That’s why I’m sharing my #1 copywriting conversion secret (that actually has NOTHING to do with writing)!

In this training, you get:

  • 12 minute video training about how to get people to actually read your copy and do the things you want them to do (sign up for freebies, buy courses, book calls, etc.)
  • My BRAND-NEW copy makeovers guidebook, “How to lay out your copy so people actually read it” where I walk you through real-life examples of EXACTLY what to change on your page to make sure it actually converts

How to make your copy CONVERT better (without writing another word)


Imagine feeling EXCITED to send people to your website

How will your business be different once you can:

Stop cringing in shame every time a potential client asks if you can send them your website link

Feel confident and EXCITED to send everyone you’ve ever met over to check out your website

Stop making excuses for yourself and just learn how to write copy the RIGHT way so it always feels like the real YOU

Finally get your message out into the world in a BIG WAY and start making the impact you were born to make (so cheesy, but SO TRUE)

I have an amazing website and it’s not like anyone else’s. I’m an in-person business, so I was worried some of the stuff wouldn’t apply, but if you open your mind and do the work, your in-person business is going to ROCK. I have amazing content. My website brought me so many new clients that I had a waitlist for a few MONTHS and I had to stop posting on social media during that time because I couldn’t handle any more. People tell me that my website is PHENOMENAL, that they’ve never seen anything like it in my industry before, and that it really spoke to them WITHOUT being sales-y. That’s the best compliment I can could get.”

Lee Peterson, Cosmetic Tattoo Artist

Brooke’s template blew my mind! I was able to build my about page (all on my “own”), which is something I NEVER, in a million years, thought I could do! I really found the templates and prompts that were provided to be insanely helpful. I’m usually an okay writer but when it came time to write my about page, those prompts were a life-saver! In fact, without them, I’d probably still be rambling on about how I became a coach because of that one time, in third grade… 🤦‍♀️ Brooke’s method helped keep it interesting, all the while walking the visitor to the next step that I want them to take while I have their attention. It doesn’t get better than that!

Kristi Rae, Business Identity Coach

Brooke’s template blew my mind! I was able to build my about page (all on my “own”), which is something I NEVER, in a million years, thought I could do! I really found the templates and prompts that were provided to be insanely helpful. I’m usually an okay writer but when it came time to write my about page, those prompts were a life-saver! In fact, without them, I’d probably still be rambling on about how I became a coach because of that one time, in third grade… 🤦‍♀️ Brooke’s method helped keep it interesting, all the while walking the visitor to the next step that I want them to take while I have their attention. It doesn’t get better than that!

Kristi Rae, Business Identity Coach

“If it weren’t for Brooke’s custom template, I think I would have stayed stuck for a long time until I burnt through my emotional energy, time and money building a site, redoing it, redoing it again, and then trashing the whole thing because it no longer did what the business needed it to. Do it right the first time and go with a one that can grow with your business – Brooke will guide you there with her program!”

Britt Westfall, Confidence Coach for Female Entrepreneurs

I’m ready for an awesome about page!

Crap. I totally forgot to introduce myself… #rude

Why should you trust me? 

  • I practice what I preach, baby. I don’t just teach this stuff, I DO this stuff. Hell, I live and breathe this stuff! This isn’t just regurgitated crap you’ve heard a thousand times already I want you to step into the version of yourself you’re ready to be – and this will help you do just that.

  • I know this stuff better than I know my own best fiend. I have done and taught this stuff backwards, forwards, sideways, ALL the ways from group programs to DIY courses to straight up “lemme’ just do it for you” over the last 10+ years. I’m like a magical unicorn mix of strategic badassery, gorgeous design skill, and a deep understanding of what makes humans do and want things.

  • Me and my clients are living, breathing proof that this stuff WORKS. I’ve worked with clients in a whole bunch of different industries, from online coaching to industrial manufacturing to eyebrow tattooing (really. my cosmetic tattoo client got over new clients within 3 months of rewriting her website!), so I know works and what doesn’t.

  • Making YOU believe in what’s possible is kinda my thang. I don’t just teach strategy… I teach you how to always feel genuine and authentic to your mission so can change the freaking world with your offers and build trust in yourself like a mother.

Imagine being this excited to write an about page


 Hey, l’m Brooke

I did #allthethings I thought I was “supposed to do” to get more visible online – the endless posting, the new shiny courses, the high-paying coaches – the list is LONG.

Until I realized WHY it didn’t work.

It always felt wrong because I wasn’t being ME.

I ain’t no “boss lady.” I hate the whole pink sparkly thing. AND THAT’S OKAY.

Once I realized I’m a complete ROCKSTAR at being unapologetically ME…

My peeps can catch me rocking the purple hair (and nose ring) I dreamed about for years, saying literally whatever I want on the internet, and booking dream clients on #ThirstyThursday in my FB group.

And call me selfish… but I believe that the internet has enough fake.

We need more REAL businesses with REAL passion and REAL individuality.

If you learn nothing else from me…


for the love of mac and cheese,
please just be YOURSELF.

Mac and cheese. Sold. I’m in!

“The biggest takeaway for me was that even though it’s a template, it’s still going to feel completely unique to you. All of the prompts were general enough to be for any industry but specific enough that they really make you think about your business and and who you’re trying to talk to. I can’t think of anyone who couldn’t use them!

I had heard other people talk about how hard the about page was going to be, but I guess the prompts are just really good because I don’t see what all the fuss was about.

Heather Gorham, Nutritional Therapy Consultant

My biggest takeaway was learning how to tell my story through my copy. It helped me learn how to say something interesting and different than what you see on everyone else’s page.

Just going back through my own stories and finding the words I was saying has given me the content to put on my web page (and everywhere else) that’s going to speak to my ideal clients on the level they’re at. Oh my goodness… just do it. Stop thinking and just do it.

Chrystal Lofton, Health and Life Coach for Moms of Athletes

I’m ready for results like this!

Get some A’s to your Q’s

Will these prompts work for MY industry?

I wrote these prompts so that ALL of my clients can use them whether you’re into:

  • business coaching
  • life coaching
  • spiritual coaching
  • creating courses
  • anything creative
  • graphic and web design
  • copywriting
  • photography
  • health & fitness
  • network marketing
  • hair, makeup, skincare
  • tattoos (cosmetic or regular)
  • real estate
  • I’m probably forgetting even more…

The only real requirement is that you’re offering a SERVICE to your clients. These won’t work as well if you’re trying to sell physical products like jewelery or cute journals or something like that.

I stink at writing as “me” and it always sounds boring. Will this help?

That’s EXACTLY what this training is for, sugarpants! It’s one of my superpowers. The prompts and guides are designed to help you get YOUR uniqe voice out naturally, authentically, and POWERFULLY.

PLUS – there is an entire BONUS training dedicated specifically to this topic. I got you.

How much time is this REALLY going to take to get results?

You can bang through these prompts pretty quick and get decent results just based on how the questions are designed. But really, my clients that get the BEST results spend about 4-6 hours on their about page. This is your bread and butter baby, so give it the attention it deserves!

How do I actually make sure I do this?

You’re getting checklists, workbooks, outlines, LOTS of videos (WITH subtitles) of me walking you through this stuff step-by-step so truly – no matter HOW you like to learn, I’m giving it to you here. No excuses.

Aaaaannnddd, one of the things you can see by reading the testimonials and screenshots is that THIS PROCESS IS FUN!!! Fun and flow are always my intention with writing projects, otherwise your copy will probably suck anyway.

When do I get access to the files and membership area?

Immediately! You’re literally less than 2 minutes away from your new powerful AF about page, baby.

Once your payment goes through, you’ll immediately get an email giving you access to the membership area with all of the files and videos!

Do you offer refunds?

Nope. Sorry Charlie. This is a digital product and you access to all of the amazing goodies inside immediately, so I don’t do refunds.

But I promise you this… every single piece of content in this sucker – from the questions to the checklists – is worth WAAAAYYYYYY more than the $27 you’re spending. There are valuable gold nuggets of amazing-ness dropped through every single piece of material in here.

What if I just can’t do it on my own?

You can always join my FREE Facebook group, Brand Boldly for Service-Based Entrepreneurs, where I periodically do free reviews on things like website copy, design, social media, etc. AND get feedback from others in the group.

But if you’re still just like… ugghhhh I don’t wannaaaaa’ then I’ll happily apply your $27 to any of my 1:1 or group coaching programs where you can get personalized help from me.

You’ve been staring at a blank screen for long enough…


 the time is NOW, baby.

Get it all for just $27

Click the button NOW and get immediate access to:

printable workbook with copywriting prompts

editable about page template & checklist

video training where I walk you through every step of my process

3 bonus trainings to help make your copy EVEN BETTER

Start building your about page right now

© 2025 Filament, LLC